Monday, December 14, 2009


Wow, dead blog. Twenty two more days to school reopen.
Be prepared, if you happen to see a newcomer joining our class, next year. 2N1'ten.
I'm not really sure, if there's any newcomer(s) joining.
Anway, 2N1'ten will have a new class blog instead. :)

Sorry 1N1'ohnine classmates, Classtee been delaying for months.
Downtown east supplier or Queensway supplier ? Both same price, 17 dollars.
I know, the actual price was 12 dollars, because downtown east supplier.
Yet, Price went up to 17 dollars, as around ten classmates didn't order the classtee.
If you all want the cheaper price, help to encourage other classmates who've not order, to do so. :)
Classmates who ordered, confirm your tee name, size. :)

Choose a design you like the most, majority wins.

That's all, Bye. Will post nextyear's timetable when school website publish. :) JieYu here.